Sustainability Chris Vogliano Sustainability Chris Vogliano

Worried about climate change? Act now with your fork!

Climate change can often seem like an unsurmountable task to stand up against.  It does't have to be.  Many of foods we eat have a massive impact on our environment, while others have a much smaller impact.  Find your favorite sustainable foods and get started today!

your diet can save the planet. 

What we eat can have profound impacts on not only our own health, but also the health of the environment.  A ridiculous amount of resources go into producing the food that we eat: water, fertilizer, pesticides, and fossil fuels to name a few.  Nearly 80% of water and 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to growing our food. (1,2)

Some foods have much higher greenhouse gas emissions than others, meaning we can actually have significant impacts on the health of our planet by what we choose to eat. 

Lucky for us (and the planet), there’s significant overlap between foods that are good for us and have a lower environmental impact. 

How do we eat a sustainable diet?

The graph below from The Barilla Foundation highlights the overlaps between what's good for us and the planet. 

Source: Barilla BCFN Double Pyramid

So how do i make a difference? (Hint: It's easy) 

  • Be mindful of portion sizes; step one to reducing your 'food-print' is eating only what you need.
  • Reduce the amount of food you throw away. Don’t lose track of your leftovers, and aim to be creative with what you have in the kitchen before opting to shop again. See my blog post on that here.
  • Choose sustainable protein options (list below).  The livestock industry is incredibly carbon intensive. Reducing your meat consumption is the fastest way to reduce your environmental “food-print”.
  • Consume dairy products in moderation.
  • Choose fish and seafood sourced from certified fisheries such as
  • Limit consumption of foods high in fat, sugar or salt and low in nutrients (chips, confectionery, sugary drinks).
  • Opt for tap water over other beverages – particularly soft drinks

Top Sustainable Protein Options:

  • Lentils (red, yellow, green, black, and so many more!)
  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Beans (black, chickpeas, red, etc.)
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Soy / Hemp Milk (has highest protein content of all milk alternatives)
  • Green Peas
  • Hemp / Chia Seeds
  • Nuts and nut butter (cashews, peanuts, etc.)

The water we eat. 

The amount of water that goes into producing the food we eat is often overlooked, and it extraordinarily high.  Many regions of the world in which our food is produced are expected to experience dramatic weather pattern changes due to climate change.  Choosing foods that use less water is also a great way to reduce our food-print.   See chart below for more information.  
Note: Graph is in liters per kg of food.

Thanks for reading - let me know how you are reducing your carbon footprint in the comments below!

- Chris the Dietitian 


  1. Tilman, D., & Clark, M. (2014). Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. Nature, 515(7528), 518–522.
  3. Adapted from: Garnett, T. (2014). Changing What We Eat: A Call for Research and Action on Widespread Adoption of Sustainable Healthy Eating. Food Climate Research Network

Main photo credit: Pixabay -

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Sustainability Chris Vogliano Sustainability Chris Vogliano

Is Organic Food Worth Buying? Advice from a Dietitian

Organic foods are a rapidly growing consumer trend, but are they worth the cost?  This article is written by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist on the topic of organic and conventional foods.  

Many people choose organic produce to reduce their risk of pesticide exposure, while others cite they want to support a method of agriculture with a lower carbon footprint.  While there are many motives, some hold more scientific rigor than others.  Whatever the reason, it is undeniable that organic food is a market trend that has been growing rapidly since 1999 and is showing no signs of slowing down.  This begs the question: is the increased price actually worth it?

Brief overview of Organics in the United States

It is often a misnomer that organic farmers are resorting back to old technologies and practices.  This is not true.  In fact, quite the opposite. Organic farmers use modern equipment, improved crop varieties, soil and water conservation practices, and technological innovations in feeding and handling crops and livestock.  Studies do show that organic growing practices produce slightly less food per acre, depending on the type of crop and region the food is grown in.[1] However, there are notable benefits that many experts believe are worth the slight reduction in output.

Organic agriculture has been shown to have a variety of sustainable benefits, including: [2],[3]

  • Improved soil quality
  • Reduced energy use
  • Increased crop biodiversity
  • Reduced water pollution
  • Reduced worker and environmental exposure to pesticides
  • Reduced antibiotic resistance (via animal agriculture)
  • And much more…

While not exclusive to organic agriculture, conservation practices are used more often in organic production when compared to conventional agriculture systems. Learn more about what it means to be “Certified Organic” - Organic Certification from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Does this mean that organic is the only way to go?

Not necessarily. Organic foods do have a myriad of social, environmental, and health benefits (see chart below), but there are still many health benefits to eating conventional foods too.    

Reganold, John P., and Jonathan M. Wachter. "Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century." Nature Plants 2 (2016): 15221.

What are pesticides?

  • Pesticides are any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are deemed "pests". This includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants, and compounds used to control rodents. (EPA)

Will eating organic foods lower my risk of pesticide exposure?

  • Yes. It is important to note that certain natural pesticides can still be used in organic agriculture (link).  However, studies show that organic foods have lower pesticide residues, meaning that our exposure to them is lessened.[1],[2] 
  • Some researchers have even studied organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the urine of children, and found significantly less in those children that ate only organic diets.[4],[5]   
  • There is however debate if these pesticide residues are harmful to our health in the quantities in which we consume them.   More long term studies are needed. 

Are farm workers impacted by pesticide application?

Photo Credit:

  • Yes. Over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the United State each year and approximately 5.6 billion pounds are used worldwide -  link.

  • Farmers are often exposed to very high levels of pesticides,and cite frequent symptoms including headaches, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, hand tremors, and other neurological symptoms.  

    • Pesticide exposure is also strongly linked to diabetes type 2 in farm workers - link.  

Should I skip conventionally grown produce if I can’t find or afford to buy organic produce?

  • Absolutely not. The risks of pesticides are real, but the myriad of health benefits of fruits and vegetables are too. Research indicates that not eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables is much more detrimental to one’s health than eating fruits and vegetables with pesticide residue. [2]

Is organic produce higher in nutrients?

  • Sometimes.  However, the debate continues if the increased quantity of nutrients in organic produce is significant enough to make a meaningful difference.[6],[7]

Are Organic produce GMO free?

  • Yes. The USDA definition of organic means that the food must be free from genetically modified organisms.  However, to date, there have been no credible studies proving that GMOs are unsafe to eat. Check out the National Academy of Science Safety Report for more info on this.
  • Personal health aside - many are concerned about the ethical and environmental considerations of GMOs.  From years of studying this topic, I have found valid points on both side of the debate. 
  • We do know that the most commonly grown GMO crops in the U.S. are corn, soy, and canola. These three crops are in a significant portion of the foods we eat everyday, which means we must grow a lot of these crops. GMO corn, soy, and canola are reliant on a monoculture system that relies heavily on pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and discourages plant and insect biodiversity.
  • Check on my blog post: The Good, The Bad, and the Future of GMOs. 

Are Organic foods a better choice for the environment?

  • Mostly yes.  Not only does eating organic lower your personal exposure to pesticides, but by choosing organic you are also choosing to support a method of agriculture that aims to be more sustainable than conventional growing methods. Pesticides are often applied by farm workers, and exposure to these toxic chemicals have harmful impacts on the health of the workers, environment, soil, river, and air.  Excess nutrients from fertilizers are also one of the leading causes of water pollution in the United States. EPA website here.  
  • Studies have found that organic farming systems consistently have greater soil carbon levels, better soil quality, and less soil erosion compared to conventional systems. They also found increased plant and insect biodiversity among organic farming systems. [9],[10],[11]  
    • Soil health and biodiversity are two topics cited by top global health organizations as foundational pieces feeding our growing population sustainably. So much so, that the Food and Agriculture Organization declared 2015 as the International Year of the Soil.

Can I wash away pesticide residues on my fruits and vegetables?

  • Some of them.  It is always a smart idea to rinse your fruits and vegetables under cold water.  Rinsing can remove the surface residues, as well as potentially harmful dirt and pathogens. 
  • Some pesticides are systemic; they are taken up by the plant’s root system and get into the fruit or vegetable flesh so they can’t be washed off.

What’s the best way to wash my produce?

  • Wash your produce—conventional and organic—in running water. Be sure to scrub the outside of hard, porous produce such as cantaloupe.  This will decrease your risk for foodborne illness and may also reduce pesticide residue.  
    • You don’t need any special washes. Researchers at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station compared rinsing fruit and vegetables in plain water for one minute with washing them with vegetable washes (four different ones) and a solution of dishwashing soap and water.

Okay, so tell me - should I buy organic produce?

  • Buying organic produce is a personal choice that is up to you and your family.  There are cited benefits to a properly managed organic farm that are beneficial for both people, farm workers, and the planet. 
  • If organic foods are within your budget and you want to support a style of agriculture that aims to be more sustainable, then go for it!  However, if you cannot afford or don’t have access to organic produce, then buying and eating conventional produce is much better than not eating any produce at all. 
  • Aim to eat 5 (or more!) servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  Free resource – 20 ways to eat more fruits and vegetables.


At the end of the day, most of us want the same thing - a productive, sustainable, profitable, and equitable food system.  We must work together to find solutions to these pressing issues if we are going to continue to feed a growing global population.  We have the opportunity to vote for the food system we want to see three times a day, every day.  

Thanks for reading – and if you like what you're reading, please share / comment / like! 

Chris Vogliano MS, RDN



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Additional Resources:



[1] Ponisio, Lauren C., et al. "Diversification practices reduce organic to conventional yield gap." Proc. R. Soc. B. Vol. 282. No. 1799. The Royal Society, 2015.

[2] Reganold, John P., and Jonathan M. Wachter. "Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century." Nature Plants 2 (2016): 15221.

[3] Średnicka-Tober, Dominika, et al. "Environmental impact of organic vs. conventional agriculture-a review." Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 61.4 (2016).

[4] Curl, C. L., Fenske, R. A. & Elgethun, K. Organophosphorus pesticide exposure of urban and suburban preschool children with organic and conventional diets. Environ. Health Persp. 111, 377–382 (2003).

[5] Lu, C. et al. Organic diets significantly lower children’s dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides. Environ. Health Persp. 114, 260–263 (2006).

[6] Smith-Spangler, C. et al. Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives? Ann. Intern. Med. 157, 348–366 (2012).

[7] Brandt, K., Leifert, C., Sanderson, R. & Seal, C. J. Agroecosystem management and nutritional quality of plant foods: the case of organic fruits and vegetables. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 30, 177–197 (2011).

[8] USDA Agricultural Marketing Service National Organic Program Handbook (USDA, 2015); available at

[9] Gattinger, A. et al. Enhanced top soil carbon stocks under organic farming. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 109, 18226–18231 (2012).

[10] Alföldi, T. et al. in Organic Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security (eds Scialabba, N. E.-H. & Hattam, C.) Ch. 2 (FAO, 2002);

[11] Tuomisto, H. L., Hodge, I. D., Riordan, P. & Macdonald, D. W. Does organic farming reduce environmental impacts? A meta-analysis of European research. J. Environ. Manage. 112, 309–320 (2012).

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Sustainability Chris Vogliano Sustainability Chris Vogliano

Tossed Treasures - A Food Waste Infographic

Food waste sucks, and we all do it. 

You know reducing food waste is a major passion of mine.  To me, it's one of the most sustainable changes we can make in our lives to reduce our environmental footprint.  It also saves us money.  Win win? I think so! 

Check out this infographic that my colleague Alice Henneman and I created with financial support from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.  To find out more about food waste, check out my page here

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Chris Vogliano Chris Vogliano

3 tips for consuming coffee MORE mindfully - how you can make a difference

Let's be honest - coffee is absolutely delicious.  I love coffee in almost fashion - from soy lattes, to ultra-hipster cold brew, or even just a plain and simple drip.  Coffee and I's relationship ebbs and flows (mostly flows) depending on my work load and/or the number of consecutive grey, rainy days here in Seattle.  We are known for our coffee for a reason, after all - and it's damn good I might add! 

As someone who loves learning about sustainable food systems,  I couldn't help to wonder - where does our $3.50 go each time we purchase a craft beverage from our local barista? What is the environmental impact? 

3 simple ways you can be more mindful when consuming your beloved cup of coffee:

    It takes ~50 gallons of water to make a latte (including the cup, sleeve, lid and milk).  That's actually quite a bit considering that America is the largest consumer of coffee. To put this in perspective - a standard bathtub filled to the brim is only 24 gallons. More on that here.  I know I personally can consumer 2-4 cups a day without batting an eye. This is where the mindful consumption piece comes in. 

    Growing coffee requires A LOT of land, and not all coffee is grown equally.  Many farms buzz down the natural landscape to create room for these caffeine-packed bushes, destroying the natural ecosystem of the land. This is not so great if we are looking to sustain our environment for the future. Luckily there's a simple solution to help with this. Look for coffee that is Shade Grown or bears the Rainforest Alliance Certified symbol (see below).  This means the coffee is grown in matrimony with the natural environment, which helps maintain the land's biodiversity.  Albeit not 100% perfect, it's a great  start - and it's easy.

    More on why coffee growers choose shade grown here, and more on what Rainforest Alliance Certification means here

    Coffee is typically grown in very poor parts of the world.  Many coffee farmers earn less than $2.00 a day.  The contrast between their salaries and our hefty prices can make you start to question why we are paying $3.50 per cup.  The good news is that there's a third party organization that helps to ensure fair business practices for farmers.  Look for the Fair Trade symbol (see below).  This verification ensures the farmers are treated fairly and paid a living wage, which can often translate to providing food for low-income famers, or even sending their kids to school.  This is also a very good thing. More on the importance of fair trade coffee here.


So we can continue to love coffee (trust me, I do), but we should also be consiencious about how much we consume (water), how it's grown (environment), and who grew it (fair labor practices).  Since we can't go to our local farmers market and meet the coffee grower first hand (unless you live in Central America, perhaps), we can check for the two verification symbols -  rainforest alliance certified and fair trade.  If you purchase coffee at your local shop, ask your barista (preferably the one with the mustache) about where they source their beans.  If they aren't sure, have them find out.  Start the conversation - this is how change is made. These small details may seem insignificant, but they can make a world of a difference for both farmers and our the health of our lovely planet.

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